BIP - Blended Intensive Programme


BIP is a programme organised around a blended format (virtual sessions and physical mobility) including academics from at three member-universities (University of Bergamo, Université Lumière Lyon 2 and Dalarna University) to ensure transnational participation. The programme is shared by courses of the three universities:

  • PMTS - Planning and Management of Tourism Systems and  GEOU Geourbanistica at the University of Bergamo
  • M2 - Master en Tourisme and M2 - Master Villes et environnements urbains at the Université Lumière Lyon2
  • Bachelor in International Tourism Management and Master in Tourism Destination Development at the Dalarna University
BIP 2nd EDITION 2024 CEMA - Co-planning European Metropolises in the Age of the Anthropocene

Students can participate to the selection for admission to the BIP “CEMA - Co-planning European Metropolises in the Age of the Anthropocene”

See the call and the required documents at this link.

Deadlines: October 1st 2024 at 12 am

BIP 1st EDITION 2023 COME – CO-PLANNING URBAN MOBILITIES IN EUROPE. Adaptive and collaborative planning for European urban hubs of mobility

BIP COME 2023 included 19 participants who travel to Italy for training and other 10 students from the University of Bergamo, which have applied for organisational support funds for the BIP. 

The programme tried to answer the need of interdisciplinary competences in adaptive and creative planning related to European urban hubs of mobility and flows seen in a polycentric and multiscale perspective.

See the video "BIP 2023 - COME | Kick-off meeting in Bergamo"

Read the article "Programme intensif hybride Erasmus+ à Bergame" published on the website of the Université Lumière Lyon 2

October 5, 2023 | Kick-off online seminar

Introductory meeting of the program by professors and tutors from the three universities.

The event was an opportunity to introduce and meet the students who will participate in the BIP.

October 18, 2023 | Online directed work

On October 18, 2023 BIP students met for a session of the work groups conducted online, together with tutors from the Imago Mundi Lab of the University of Bergamo.

During the afternoon, the working groups and themes around which students should focus in the coming months were defined. It was a good time for discussion and presentation!

November 8, 2023 | Online directed work

After the mobility week, on November 8, 2023 BIP students met for a session of the work groups conducted online, together with tutors from the Imago Mundi Lab of the University of Bergamo.

During the meeting, communication strategies were suggested to the students for the final presentation. Afterwards, the groups met to continue the reflection and work begun in Bergamo.

December 5, 2023 | Final joint seminar
Final joint seminar

The final joint seminar of the BIP 2023 - COME was held on December 5, 2023. In the afternoon afternoon, students who participated in this ERASMUS+ program presented the results of two months of intense work.

BIP 2023 - COME has been a wonderful opportunity for exchange and growth. Thank you to those who made this possible!