Summer Schools

SUMMER SCHOOL - WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment, Croatia 1-7 June 2024

The Summer School WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment addresses the issues of sustainability in tourism and in the management of cultural and natural heritage with the methodology of action-research, proposing an intensive week of seminars, visits, and group works, developed along an agreed maritime itinerary.


SPRING SCHOOL - L’erba del vicino: dialoghi interdisciplinari sui paesaggi suburbani, Bergamo - April-June 2024

Spring School Neighbor's grass: interdisciplinary dialogues on suburban landscapes

April 10, April 15, May 7-8-9, June 10, 2024

Astino Landscape Studies Observatory

Master's Degree in Geourbanism

In collaboration with: University of Padua, Department of Historical, Geographical and Ancient Sciences; Polytechnic University and University of Turin, Interateneo Department of Land Science, Design and Policy; European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning; IUCN

Objectives: The Spring School is an inter-university project between the University of Bergamo, Polytechnic and University of Turin, and University of Padua, which aims to deepen the relationship between historical, geographical and planning disciplines and landscape design, with a focus on how this relationship takes shape and meaning in peri-urban "green" contexts. The main theoretical-methodological nodes of each discipline will be addressed in order to maturely address a transdisciplinary dialogue that puts peri-urban areas, with their historical, cultural, social and ecological values, at the center. The sometimes conflicting coexistence of these values makes it necessary to adopt appropriate strategies for reading, planning and enhancing the landscape. A group of students with different educational backgrounds (master's degrees in urban and territorial planning, geography, geo-urbanism, economics of the environment, culture and territory, and tourism) is proposed to a group of students with different educational backgrounds (master's degrees in urban and territorial planning, geography, geo-urbanism, economics of the environment, culture and territory, and tourism) an experience of analysis, interpretation and planning, developed intensively on the territory of Bergamo.

Scientific Committee: Fulvio Adobati, Federica Burini, Renato Ferlinghetti, Alessandra Ghisalberti, Francesco Lo Monaco, Stefano Morosini, Riccardo Rao (UNIBG); Andrea Longhi, Gabriella Negrini, Angioletta Voghera (POLITO); Benedetta Castiglioni, Margherita Cisani (UNIPD)

Organizing committee: Elettra Barbieri, Lisa Bettini, Ilaria Cazzola, Celeste Granziera, Sara Invernizzi

SUMMER SCHOOL - WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment, Croatia 1-8 July 2023

WATERSCAPES brings together, in the same practical and ideal framework, cultural heritage and environmental preservation. The main actors involved with the use of these pillar concepts are local communities, who maintain with heritage and environment the deepest relation, as these represent their familiar contexts, the premises and background for their sustainable living.


The Summer School was articulated through seven daily seminars and workshops on board and six visits on field. The seminars are held by professors and researchers from Italy, Serbia, Croatia, and France. All destinations are reached by boat, according to the itinerary, and are introduced by visiting lecturers and local experts. All activities are compulsory, and the participation of students is intended for the full week.



  • Cultural Heritage: Venetian Heritage UNESCO Network; City of Zadar
  • Local Knowledge and Citizens Engagement: Involvement of Local Stakeholders in Omišalj, Krk, Cres
  • Sustainability in the Adriatic Sea: Marine Protected Area Telašćica Nature Park
  • Dark Heritage and Political Identities: Balkan Fragmentation and Identity Issues in Goli Otok

SUMMER SCHOOL - WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment, Croatia 16-24 September 2022
Mappa WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment

WaterScapes in Heritage and Environment deals with the interplay between Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage.

WaterScapes most innovative feature is Navigation. The boat becomes the working and living space for one entire week for 20 international participants.


WaterScapes is articulated in seminars on board and visits on land. Main focuses of the scientific program are:

  • Cultural Heritage: the legacy of the Venetian Republic; the UNESCO network; the city of Zadar.
  • Local Knowledge and citizens’ engagement; involvement of local stakeholders in Omišalj, Krk, Cres.
  • Sustainability in the Adriatic Sea. Explore the Marine Protected Area of Telašćica Nature Park.
  • Dark Heritage and political identities; Balkan fragmentation and identity issues in the island-museum of Goli Otok.


Coordinators: Elena Bougleux UniBG – Sanja Iguman IFDT

in cooperation with
University of Rijeka – 
PhD Program and Delta Lab 
Univeristy of Belgrade – 


For further details, see:

VOYAGE D’ETUDES - Bergame : une porte pour l’Europe dans un réseau territorial d’innovation, a.y. 2021/22

Un projet du Master Ville et environnements urbains Université Lumière Lyon 2 et Ecole Urbaine de Lyon en collaboration avec les Masters en Géourbanistica et Planning and Management of Tourism Systems, Università di Bergamo


Contexte : Le voyage d’études se situe dans le cadre de la collaboration entre l’Université Lumière Lyon 2-Ecole Urbaine de Lyon et l’Université de Bergame, et précisément de Double Diplôme entre le Master Ville et environnements urbains et celui en Geourbanistica, ainsi qu’entre le Master en Tourisme de Lyon et le celui en Planning and Management of Tourism Systems de Bergame.


Objectif : Le voyage d’études est conçu par les deux universités collaboratrices afin d’analyser le « cas de Bergame », se concentrant sur : la grande variété de paysages des collines entourant la ville et le rôle de la ville comme porte d’entrée en Europe, proche de la métropole de Milan et desservie par un aéroport international, ainsi que le réseau d’entreprises multinationales témoignage de la productivité et de l’innovation historiques du territoire. Les spécificités de la ville seront étudiées, compte tenu des défis posés à l’analyse territoriale, à l’urbanisme et au tourisme en temps de policrise, nécessitant de nouvelles réflexions et modèles de vie.


Méthodes : A travers différentes méthodes (entretiens autoorganisés, séminaires internationaux, laboratoires vivants avec des acteurs locaux, promenades dans la ville, etc.), des groupes mixtes d’étudiants appartenant aux filières Géourbanisme et Tourisme seront constitués, afin de réfléchir sur les spécificités territoriales de la ville de manière interdisciplinaire.

SUMMER SCHOOL - Syndemia: Geourban Planning and Sustainable Tourism in Time of Crisis, a.y. 2020/21

Clusone, 10-13 June 2021

Scientific committee: Fulvio Adobati, Elena Bougleux, Federica Burini, Emanuela Casti, Alessandra Ghisalberti, Renato Ferlinghetti, Filippo Menga, Michel Lussault, Paola Pellegrini

Universities involved: Università degli studi di Bergamo, Université Lumière Lyon2, Xi’an Jiao Tong Liverpool University 

Tutors: Sara Belotti, Elisa Consolandi, Marta Rodeschini


Context: The Summer School is a complementary educational activity to the training courses of the two master's degrees involved, carried out in the territory of Seriana Valley, to allow students to deepen issues related to territorial planning and tourism in this mountain context with great historical and environmental complexity. It provides insights into territorial and tourist regeneration in times of crisis through theoretical and applied activities - divided into seminars, group work, exercises - held by teaching staff from European universities (Lyon and Bergamo) and Chinese (Suzhou, located in the Delta of the Blue River, near Shanghai).


Objective: The Summer School offers students an in-depth study of the challenges posed by globalization on urban planning and sustainable tourism in times of "syndemia" that is of crisis, both environmental and pandemic, which requires a radical rethinking of our model of life and of living territories. Some authors derive this crisis from the same contemporary context that of the Anthropocene, i.e. the entry into an Era in which the balance and the very survival of the Planet are threatened by reckless human action and depend on the ability of communities to pursue a relationship more balanced with nature. In short, the Anthropocene redefines the relationship between human and nature and calls into play the theories of complexity that well explain the dissipative dynamics underlying environmental crises. By comparing antithetical and distant territories, such as Chinese and European ones, the School intends to envisage urban planning and tourism as synergistic phenomena of globalization that can trace balanced forms of living the Earth exclusively in local territories in a perspective of transcalarity with the entire planet. Consequently, the Summer School explores the network of territories and the dynamism imparted by globalization both on urban systems and on the elective ones of tourism that can be incorporated into the dynamics of contemporary mobile living. These are fields of study approached from an interdisciplinary and international perspective, which presents examples relating to the design of Asian and European territories but at the same time is confronted with emblematic realities such as that of Seriana Valley.


For further details, see:

SUMMER SCHOOL - SPORTOUR: Sport Management & Marketing degli eventi sportivi per un turismo sostenibile

La Summer & Winter School SPORTOUR - Sport Management & Marketing degli eventi sportivi per un turismo sostenibile è un progetto di Fassi Gru SpA, coordinato da Confindustria Bergamo e realizzato da SdM – Scuola di Alta Formazione dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo insieme a Servizi Confindustria Bergamo.

Si tratta di un innovativo percorso di medio periodo che verte sulle tematiche della gestione degli eventi sportivi, soddisfacendo plurime esigenze di formare competenze attraverso percorsi fruibili in particolare agli studenti della Valle Seriana, reclutare talenti potenzialmente interessati/interessanti per le aziende ed aumentare l’attrattività del territorio vallivo.

L’obiettivo è di fornire agli studenti iscritti ai Corsi di Laurea triennali e magistrali dell’Università degli studi di Bergamo un’occasione aggiuntiva, per acquisire nuove competenze ed investire sul loro futuro professionale. La Scuola fornisce competenze manageriali, socio-comunicative, di marketing e di responsabilità socio-territoriale che sono richieste da alcune imprese della Valle Seriana, in particolare da Fassi Gru SpA, ideatrice del progetto, per la realizzazione di eventi sportivi di rilevanza locale, nazionale, internazionale promuovendo un turismo sostenibile, a basso impatto ed attento alle vocazioni e ai saperi delle comunità locali.

Il progetto si configura anche come un innovativo esempio di collaborazione fra le imprese, supportate da Confindustria Bergamo, che mettono a fattor comune esperienze e visioni a sostegno di un percorso formativo interdisciplinare strettamente connesso con il territorio. 

La Summer & Spring School è costruita attorno a metodologie didattiche interattive – con il coinvolgimento degli studenti, attraverso lezioni e seminari, seguiti da lavori di approfondimento, attività laboratoriali di gruppo – e partecipative – con l’intervento degli stakeholders del territorio mediante visite aziendali, interviste, escursioni, tirocini in azienda.

La prima parte estiva si è svolta a settembre 2021 ed è stata un’esperienza arricchente per gli studenti che li ha immersi nel management e marketing dello sport per un turismo sostenibile, accompagnati da docenti UNIBG, visiting professors da USA, Inghilterra e Svezia e sotto la guida di giovani tutor.

La seconda parte primaverile si è tenuta dal 3 al 7 aprile tra la Valle Seriana, il Kilometro Rosso e la sede UNIBG di Città Alta con appuntamenti e incontri tra i 17 studenti afferenti a diversi corsi di laurea dell’Ateneo: Lingue e Letterature straniere moderne, Scienze motorie e sportive, Economia aziendale, Ingegneria gestionale, Planning and Management of Tourism Systems.

Le lezioni e le attività laboratoriali sono completamente gratuite e si sono svolte nei primi giorni presso il Grand Hotel Presolana di Castione della Presolana, dove i ragazzi hanno incontrato molti interlocutori esperti delle attività e della cultura della montagna, oltre a figure celebri dello sport bergamasco e referenti delle istituzioni del territorio, il tutto organizzato con il supporto di PromoSerio. Inoltre, hanno partecipato ad una visita presso l’azienda Radici Pietro industries. Nei giorni successivi hanno continuato i lavori presso il KilometroRosso e presso le aule di Unibg in via Salvecchio.

I lavori si sono conclusi il giorno 7 aprile con un evento di chiusura, cui hanno partecipato Norma Gimondi, vicepresidente nazionale FCI e membro della Giunta CONI oltre ad altre celebrità dello sport a livello regionale e nazionale e durante il quale gli studenti hanno presentato alle imprese e istituzioni del territorio i progetti elaborati durante la Summer School.

Oltre a FASSI GRU SpA, presenti importanti imprese come Atalanta, Scame Parre, Scorpion Bay, Gewiss, Lovato electric, Radici Group ed altre ancora. Ciò ha contentito di creare una community di aziende interessate a sviluppare competenze legate alla gestione dello sport e del marketing degli eventi sportivi, anche in funzione delle prossime Olimpiadi di Milano Cortina 2026.

Comitato scientifico di progetto: UNIBG/SdM – referente e direttore scientifico: Federica Burini; Confindustria e Servizi Confindustria Bergamo srl - referente: Paolo Piantoni; Fassi Gru – referente: Giovanni Fassi

Comitato scientifico della Summer&Winter School: Federica Burini, Daniela Andreini, Antonio Borgogni, Stefano Tomelleri dell’Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Gestione del progetto: UNIBG/SdM Direttore: Edoardo Della Torre, Confindustria e Servizi Confindustria Bergamo srl: Sara Pavesi, Ilaria Finardi

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