Applicants to the Master's Degree in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems must be in possession of a degree or a three-year university diploma, or other qualifications obtained abroad and recognized as eligible (Article 6, paragraphs 2 and 3 of DM 270 / 2004).
Possession of a three-year Italian degree of class L-15 (Tourism Sciences), L-12 (Linguistic Mediation), L-11 (Modern Languages and Cultures), L-1 (Cultural Heritage), L-3 (Sciences of Linguistic Mediation), L-13 (Sciences of Cultural Heritage) allows a direct admission.
Graduates of Italian universities with qualifications other than the aforementioned Italian Degree Classes are required to have acquired at least 40 CFU in the fields of the characterizing disciplines: i.e. SECS-P/08, M-GGR/01 and 02, L-ART/04 and 06, SPS/10, L-LIN/4, 7, 14 (characterizing), and SECS-P/06, L-LIN/10, M-DEA/01, IUS/04, IUS/14 (similar).
Applicants are also required to have good spoken and written English skills (L-LIN/12), corresponding to a B2 level of European certification, as attested by the acquisition of at least 9 CFU or equivalent certifications (First Certificate in English, Toefl 72, IELTS 5.5 or other equivalents).
Applicants must possess all the curricular requirements prior to the official assessment of their personal level of expertise. Assessment criteria are laid out by the Commission on the basis of consistency, with regard to the research potential and competence required for entry; ensuring the lasting value of the range of professional skills to be acquired.